Urban Farming & Smart SchoolUrban Farming & Smart School

Urban Farming

Preschool Level

Waste Separation

  • To raise awareness of the environment and types of waste.
  • For integration of art and mathematics using waste materials.

Bio-Fertilizer Making Project For Young Students

  • To raise environmental awareness through learning the importance of soil and water.
  • To develop practical skills.

Vegetable Cultivation For Healthy Food

  • To raise environmental awareness about food through research and practice.
  • To help students acknowledge the importance of healthy food in Thai and foreign cultures.

” กิจกรรมภายใต้บริบทของ Urban Farming จะเปิดโอกาสให้เด็กได้พัฒนาทักษะที่สำคัญในศตวรรษที่ 21 หลายอย่าง ไม่ว่าจะเป็นทักษะในการทำงานร่วมกับผู้อื่น การแก้ปัญหาที่ซับซ้อน ความมุ่งมั่นในการทำงาน รู้จักอดทน และพัฒนาความคิดสร้างสรรค์ “

Elementary Level

To allow students to understand the food chain, healthy food production, and organic plant cultivation.
We have used the limited space in Tubtong School to establish a learning center and we grow fresh vegetables for our own consumption and for sale along with processed products. The community has also been invited to take part in student activities to build entrepreneurship. For this project, all teachers and students will set their own goals, develop plans, act, and follow-up together. This allows students to simulate building a business – upstream to downstream. It is the integration of STEM, Foundational Literacy & Competency skills toward achieving holistic learning.”

Urban Farming

Students will be taught in an integrated manner, starting with composting waste materials to make fertilizer. This will help them learn more about nature.

Elementary Level


Students study the basics of agriculture, grow small plants, and develop practices, recording the information obtained from theoretical learning and practical learning in Grades 1-2. The study focuses on learning technology, science, mathematics, and art through a hands-on approach according to age development. For musical skills development, students learn the fundamentals of both international music and Thai traditional music. Physical education focuses on physical skills according to age.

Elementary Level


Learning by participating in virtual Tubtong Urban Farming & Smart School activities in the form of an organizational unit and learning how to manage each group.

No 1: Technology and Information Technology

No. 1: Technology and Information Technology

1. Integrating learning through STEM Education

2. Technology studies through urban farming

3. Research and data analysis skills

4. Robotic and coding skills for farming

5. Computational science skills

No 2: Agriculture

No. 2: Agriculture

-Studies on the nature and importance of soil, water, plants, and marketing of organic plants

-Creating plantations to study nature, cycles of plants, and insects

-Development of problem acceptance and problem-solving skills, as well as flexible thinking

-Research and note-taking skills

No. 3: Marketing and Management

No. 3: Marketing and Management

- Marketing studies on costs and profit and market analysis
- Studies on manufacturing processes, product processing, and packaging design from our own farm produce
- Offline & online sales

No. 1: Technology and Information Technology

  • Integrating learning through STEM Education
  • Technology studies through urban farming
  • Research and data analysis skills
  • Robotic and coding skills for farming
  • Computational science skills

No. 2: Agriculture

  • Studies on the nature and importance of soil, water, plants, and marketing of organic plants
  • Creating plantations to study nature, cycles of plants, and insects
  • Development of problem acceptance and problem-solving skills, as well as flexible thinking
  • Research and note-taking skills

No. 3: Marketing and Management

  • Marketing studies on costs and profit and market analysis
  • Studies on manufacturing processes, product processing, and packaging design from our own farm produce
  • Offline & online sales

Smart School

Nowadays, the pace of science and technology is getting faster. Appropriate technology learning must be done through a variety of learning materials. Students can apply student-centered knowledge – an attitude needed in education and life, based on the belief that everyone can learn and develop to their full potential.

The school has cooperated with leading national agencies to form a curriculum that develops robotic knowledge with computational skills. We encourage students to keep up with futuristic innovations, based on learning Problem-Based Learning (PBL); by adopting the integration of STEM Education (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and PDCA; and through collaborative working – also known as a basic four-stage approach to improve efficiency and quality of work: Plan-Do-Check-Act. For preschool students, activities are included that start from rational preparation, based on the concept of a coding system through various activities. This learning experience allows students to think, initiate, and act creatively, based on EF skill development. There is also an introduction to basic knowledge of technology through recreational activities that match their age group.

For the elementary level, instruction will be more intense. We combine Active Learning and modern multimedia materials such as Coding, Robotics, Computational Science, etc., along with morality and ethics. We intend to raise their awareness of using technology appropriately and prepare them for global citizenship with a creative mindset and responsibility. The process remains focused on systematic analytical thinking and problem-solving skills, using advanced technological skills as a basis to widen knowledge and skills in daily life for their future.